Frontierer: Framework
Frontierer is a casebook for un-coupling notions of progress from practices of finance-led capital accumulation. It’s brief includes the tracking of resource extraction and frontier imperialism into the digital realm, as the promises of space travel failed to materialise.
Modular Pavillion Survives Arctic Winter
Over the summer I constructed a Modular Pavillion in Malmberget, Sweden, as part of a residency with LKAB and Tomma Rum. I’m overjoyed that this pavillion has survived winter in the arctic circle at 67°N, and with temperatures as low as -22°C. The images show just how much snow it had to contend with. […]
Modular Pavillion, Malmberget
The tradition of architecture is littered with attempts to combine the Sphere and the Tower into a unified inhabitable form. Many of these configurations seek a conflation between the authoritarian dominance that the Tower implies and the egalitarian bias of the Sphere’s ergonomic plane. It is a game that the pioneers of representative democracy […]